Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello, 2015.

2015. It's crazy how time flies. I have to say 2014 was a pretty good year, but I have a feeling 2015 is going to be the best yet. Last year, I shared some New Year's Resolutions. I pretty much slacked on all of them (except reading!) Most of those goals are going to carry over into this year, but I have added a few more to keep these objectives in sight.

1. Cook more! (& pack more lunches)
I received a couple of cookbooks for Christmas, and they totally inspired me to whip up some things in the kitchen. The recipes seem pretty simple but delicious, so I am hoping the spark lasts. And that leftovers can become lunches, so I break the bad habit of eating out everyday at the office. 

2. Exercise
This was a repeat from last year. I had some phases of exercise-spring & summer, I was on top of it and  loved it. I was also working a part-time schedule which made things easy. I am in need of some motivation to get back into it, so I have my Blogilates calendars ready to go!

3. Get crafty!
Last year, I had Project Life on my resolutions list. I might have made it to Valentine's Day...? I am still in need of a little fun creativity in my life, so I am adding "Get crafty!" to the list. I am thinking maybe picking up knitting or calligraphy. And I definitely want to get back into painting after rummaging through my high school portfolio while in Florida this Christmas.

4. Time Management
This is like the goal for all the goals. The only way I'll be able to accomplish above objectives is to be better about managing my time. I haven't yet figured out how to do this...

5. Read (at least 1 book per month)
I am putting this one back on here from 2014. This is the only one I completed fully, and it actually came pretty easy. But, it is nice to keep it in mind, and it led me to start keeping a list of what I read which was very helpful and cool to see.

What are your resolutions for the new year?

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