Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Weekend | First days of November

I can't hold in my excitement for this time of year. All October, every post seemed to revolve around Autumn, and I doubt that will let up until the first snow fall. This weekend was all about long walks in the crisp Autumn air, crunching rainbows of leaves, and dressing warmly. The upcoming weeks are packed with activities as family and the holidays are coming, so it's nice to take a step back.

[Still quite a lot of green at Prospect Park. Let's hope this means a long season.]

[Being a kid at heart, collecting colourful leaves...]

[...and playing with geese.]

[Winter coats & scarves]

[with leather details.]

[Funny squirrels racing up saturated trees.]

Now, it's time to sip some chai tea and light a few fall candles. The weekends always seem to go by too quickly. 

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