Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Weekend | Spring Time

Happy Saturday! I have been loving writing up these 'The Weekend' posts. It is a great outlet for sharing some pics (as opposed to flooding my Insta-though I do that too...). Since the weather has been stunning, we have been enjoying being outside and walking around our 'hood. We started with a trip to the post office (not pictured), had lunch at Melt Kraft, stopped by the Grand Army Green Market, and ended with a trip to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. I can't get enough cherry blossoms and have to touch every tree we pass...

We have our usual lunch place haunts, but we decided to try something new. I passed by Melt Kraft after running errands earlier this week and put it in my mind as something to try over the weekend. The cafe is so cute and the food was amazing. I have been a bit grilled cheese obsessed as of late. We will definitely be back!

Rarely does a weekend pass by without stopping in David's Tea. I wanted to try some of the new tea flavours and ended up picking up the limited edition Mother's Day Hot Mama chai tea. It is pink when steeped. Chocolate Macaroon is next on my list.

Another routine stop is the farmers' market at Grand Army. Sometimes for produce but mostly for apple cider doughnuts. And wheat grass for the kitties.

The Forsythia branches were a hot commodity. Basically everyone was holding a bunch. I would've been right there with them if I had the right vaaase.

And of course, we had to go to the Botanic Garden again. Because I'm cherry blossom obsessed. The esplanade is finally in first bloom stage! I know you won't doubt me when I say we will be going back next weekend for the 'peak' bloom stage. I am basically a cherry blossom stalker.

Can ya really blame me?

The new Native plants section was open today too which was nice to see. It's especially cool since being from Florida it's not really so native to us.

How's your Saturday going?


  1. Lovely photos, looks like you've been having a good time! Also, and this is completely off topic, I love your hair color!
